Your session, your preference

Customized Mend Massage Session

Massage style is dependent upon individual preference and is widely customizable throughout the body.

Swedish Massage

Consists of comforting, long flowing strokes along the body. This massage is soothing and ideal for de-stressing the body and sinking into deep relaxation.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is intended to encourage dramatic changes in the different levels of tissue. This massage may rest on the border of discomfort, with more specific focus on trouble areas

THe Mend Massage

Expect CUSTOMIZED pressure throughout your session. Feather light in tender and painful body regions, deeper and more focused in areas of chronic complaint. Open and clear communication is essential during your session. 

this is a sidelying service

Prenatal Massage

Recommended for 2nd and 3rd trimester low-risk pregnancy. Moderate risk pregnancy clients will be accepted with proper primary care clearance. Modified Swedish massage addressing: neck and shoulders, arms and hands, full back, hips, legs and feet. Contraindicated body regions will be avoided during this session